MEDILOGIK are pleased to announce that we have just completed accreditation for the latest
iteration of the National Endoscopy Database - i2.1. Following three months of live uploads at 100% accuracy at our test site, Gloucestershire Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust, we are now rolling out our latest version and will then switch all existing customers from uploading to NED to NEDi2.1.
Once the upgrade has been fully deployed over the coming weeks, we look forward to continuing to contribute to the collection of UK Endoscopy endoscopy data with NED and the trainees' ePortfolio, JETS. The upgrade also includes the reporting of FIT data that was added in NED 2.1.
If you are a user and your department has not already been contacted about the upgrade, you will be very soon, and we look forward to your feedback.
Ensure you review your release notes and accompanying information as there are numerous changes and not just in relation to NED.
This marks our 6th release of software improvements in 2023 and we are already working on the next one to further smooth the data entry process and make setting up your list templates much slicker.

Image Source: Canva